AAGYAVISION® is a deep-technology company working on imaging and sensing systems using semiconductor integrated circuits, radar technology, signal processing, and artificial intelligence.
AAGYAVISION® is working on technologies that support imaging and sensing beyond the visible part of the spectrum, enabling vision beyond the capability of the human eye.

Ancient Indian spiritual texts describe seven power centers or “chakras” associated with the human body. Prominent among these is the “Aagya Chakra” (Sanskrit: आज्ञा चक्र), which is also known as the “Third Eye”. It is believed that the Aagya Chakra, if activated, enables a person to develop the intuition to see things that the eyes cannot see. The name AAGYAVISION® is a tribute to the wisdom of ancient India, which inspired us to develop the vision systems of the future.

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Registered Office

Golden Square,
102 Eden Park,
20 Vittal Mallya Road,
Bengaluru – 560001, Karnataka, India.

Research and Development Facility

Entrepreneurship Centre,
Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru – 560012, Karnataka, India.

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